At Learning Works, our dedicated and friendly team of tutors in Highton work specifically with your child’s individual needs. By identifying gaps in their knowledge, we truly personalise our sessions to fill those gaps. Every child has different strengths and areas of development, and our sessions are designed to give them all the skills they need for success in the classroom.
At Learning Works, it’s our aim to give your student the attention and personalised assistance they need. We understand that all children have unique needs when it comes to tutoring. That’s why a one-solution-for-all approach doesn’t work, and we want to offer more than that.
Our qualified teachers work closely with your child to identify any knowledge gaps they may have, and we focus on filling those. Most importantly, we aim to teach good learning techniques and habits to make education more enjoyable. Children often need a boost in confidence, so that’s why our personalised approach works best. We don’t ask your children to answer questions they don’t understand, as this just further lessens their confidence.
Rather, our approach is designed to celebrate achievements and instil a love of learning. For the best tutoring in Highton, look no further than the professional team at Learning Works.
Here at Learning Works, we operate differently than the rest. Firstly, our tutors in Highton are qualified teachers who are skilled at helping children of all abilities. By employing qualified teachers, you know your child is getting the help they need from highly experienced people who know how to get the most out of every session.
Secondly, we don’t use generic worksheets and computer programs. Unlike other tutoring in Highton, we fully personalise each session to suit your child’s needs. At Learning Works in Highton, it’s not just about teaching kids to memorise answers. We want them to truly rediscover a love of learning, and provide them with skills and techniques to assist throughout their education.
Children often experience knowledge gaps that prevent them from moving forward with what’s being taught in the classroom. This causes frustration, poor results and a dent in their confidence.
We work to fill those gaps and help students move forward happily.